We had so much fun going to Branson and Family camp this year. While in Branson we went to Silver Dollar City, Sight & Sound Jonah and just spending time hanging out with the family.
Family Camp was a lot of fun even though I couldn't do a whole lot since I was seven months pregnant. I did walk a lot and spent time talking with all the ladies which I hadn't done as much in previous years.
At the Cabin in Branson :)
Silver Dollar City!!!
Cutsie Aida
I took Giulianna on the ONE ride that I could do and she hated it. She screamed the whole time and I couldn't stop laughing...I'm a terrible aunt.
Resting at the Kiddie place. walking around was so exhausting and my back hurt so bad! We let the kids play for a long time so we could have A.C. and sit awhile.
Family Pic! Just missing Jared, Brent and Josiah.
The whole Branson gang! :)
Of course, the cutest couple ever :)
Wild West Show!!
Train ride!
At the end of the day! We were all so ready to go back to the cabin!
Sight & Sound Jonah. It was an amazing production! I'm so glad we were able to go.
The night view from the porch of our cabin.
Family Camp!
Spa day, it felt so good to get pampered for a little bit. :)
Ice cream! One of the highlights of camp is when the Mitchell's make 10 gallons of ice cream with their super cool machine. It is so good :)
Dad trying to get more than his fair share. LOL
Bro Sam...the life of the party! :)
Aida's Favorite Aunt :) I think sometimes she thinks I'm Julia because she is more comfortable with me a lot of times than other people.
Uncle Jare
We took a couples picture last year and now we've added one and one on the way to the photo this year. :) We'll see what next year holds!