Monday, June 24, 2019

Garrett's Birth Story

I know...It's been wayyy too long since I've updated the blog and Garrett's birth story still hasn't been recorded so I figured I better do it while I still remember it and before I have the baby in a couple months.
Garrett's Due date that the hospital was going by was January 14th 2018...His ultrasound Due date was January 4th. I normally measure behind in each of my pregnancies so when I kept measuring on time or even ahead with him it kind of got in my head that maybe I would go early. Surely not though right? I tested positive with Strep B so I couldn't have my membranes stripped like I did with Emma so I was sure that I probably would be late.
     Garrett's birth was eerily similar to Emma's as far as time frame goes and how quick it was. The night before I went into labor I remember telling Brandon that for some odd reason I felt like I was going to have the baby soon. Brandon laughed and said I wasn't going to have him for another 2 weeks. Well...the next morning...

     3:00 A.M came early on January 6th. I woke up in hard labor and severe back pain. I couldn't believe I was in labor! Garrett wasn't due for another 8 days! I got in the shower to see if the contractions would stop but they kept getting stronger. After about an hour of this I decided it was time to call Mom. The phone rang and rang...finally she picks up and answers in a panicked voice
"Nell? Is that you? You're not in labor are you?"
"Yes Mom, I am"
"I'm not ready!"
"Well neither am I but pack your bags because it's time!" I still laugh when thinking about this conversation...we were both not expecting me to be in labor yet. My hospital bag wasn't even fully packed...I was just throwing stuff in in between contractions.
     At about 5:00 I woke up Brandon and told him I was in labor and that I wanted to go to Mom's to labor in her tub. We waited for my sister Joylynn to get to the house to stay with Emma and during that time I realized we didn't have time to go to Moms'. This baby was coming quick. We got to the hospital at about 5:30. I got out of the car and have a contraction so I'm doing a pregnancy squat in the parking lot of the hospital in the frigid cold and Brandon says to me
     "Can you hurry up? It's cold out here!" (I laugh about that now... but I wanted to kill him then)
We get into the hospital and realize we have to register. I was planning on doing this at my next appointment in a few days because the packet we were supposed to receive never came...but obviously didn't make it. Signing registration forms while you're in intense labor is very interesting! I was just so thankful that I had a painless break in between contractions...this had never happened to me before.
                                          Glamour pic! This was right before I had to push

 We got into our room at about 6:00 a.m and I asked to labor in the tub so that was being cleaned and filled.Once the tub was finally ready they had to check me first and I was completely dilated so I wasn't allowed in the tub. I was so sad...I wanted natures epidural!! Having such a quick labor though was worth the sacrifice.  Each contraction came with an even greater intensity than the one before. I was mentally so much more in tune though with my body and thoughts than with Zoe or Emma. Each contraction I could feel Garrett moving further down and I was in so much control mentally...It really was an amazing experience. (Besides the most humiliating experience of going the bathroom on the delivery table.) I thought to myself...In about 5 contractions I will have my baby! I had the urge to push and just let my body do it naturally instead of forcing it. A few contractions later and my baby boy was here!'s over! Not exactly....Here comes the fun part....They laid him on my chest and cleaned him up a little while the placenta was being delivered and then after checking the placenta I was told I had retained a membrane and I was going to have to have a sweep to get it out.
     "This is going to hurt like #$%^" My midwife told me and I knew that it would. I had read and heard stories of this being done and it scared me.
     I grabbed Brandon's hand with one hand and a nurses hand with the other and screamed as my midwife was trying to find the membrane. Garrett laid on my chest screaming and I felt bad that I couldn't comfort him. Forget the epidural during labor...where was it now?!
     After what seemed like ages my midwife couldn't find the membrane so they brought in my Dr (who has tiny hands) to do it. And we go with the screaming. This was much worse than delivering a child. Thankfully my Dr found it and we can avoid a D&C.
     I started hemorrhaging so they gave me Pitocin to stop the bleeding which was great but now meant my after birth contractions were on steroids! The pain was soooo intense. The cramps only lasted 2 days though instead of a week so I guess it was a blessing in disguise.

    Finally...the worst of the pain is over and I can lay in my hospital bed and feed my beautiful healthy baby boy. Garrett was born at 6:31 A.M and weighed 7 lbs 14.8 oz was 21 inches long. He was perfect in every way. He nursed great and slept even better. I had a nurse tell me that after the first feeding he would most likely sleep 4-5 hrs and that was normal because of what he just went through and I thought to myself "Is she high? There is no way!" I was of course going on the fact that Emma didn't sleep that many hours for months after birth and she screamed most of the time when she was awake. But again, the nurse was right and Garrett slept for 5 hours!! I was so shocked and thanking God that He gave me a baby without colic or acid reflux. My hospital stay was great and my nurses were amazing. They say that your 3rd birth is either your worst or best...Garrett was definitely my best birth experience so far. The after birth maybe not so much but the actual birthing experience was great. I'm excited to be having my next baby at the same hospital where we were cared for so well.

Some more pictures so you can see just how cute he was!!

Until next time...and hopefully it won't be so long...

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