Friday, March 20, 2015


  Life with a 2 year old is a crazy ride. Being a mom is truly amazing, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Giulianna is the love of my life (second to her daddy :) ) but there are those moments (that happen more than I'd like with my little ball of energy) that just make me want to pull my hair out.

  The other day, I wanted to rest for a couple of minutes and went to lay down in my room, hoping Gem would entertain herself for awhile. I noticed it was a little quiet, but was enjoying the peace to much to investigate.
 Big mistake! After about 10 minutes of peace, Giulianna came running in all excited. She touched my bed and the I noticed that she was covered in some kind of brown stuff, which she had gotten on my bed before I even noticed that she had something all over her.
 I jumped up and went out to investigate and found a massive mess. Cocoa was EVERWHERE!! All over the counter, all over the dining room floor, little brown footprints on the carpet and cocoa on the chair.
 This was definitely a pull your hair out (not literally ;) ) kind of moment. I had a passing thought when I had left the coca on the counter to begin with, that maybe I should put it away, but I ignored it. Who knew that such a small container could make such a Ginormous mess. I really should listen to my inner thoughts  more often :) 

 Believe Me! the pictures to not do the mess justice!
                                            The little culprit ;)

Sunday, March 8, 2015


      I have been planning this surprise party for Brandon since his birthday last year. I needed to make up for a super lame 24th birthday..... I mean I did what I could but we were broke! :) so this year, with no baby to save for... I  put all my money towards a fabulous surprise for my handsome man!! :)

     The plans kept changing due to us moving back to Indiana and all of now the plan was, he would go pheasant shooting with some guys from our church and when he got home we were going to have a "church get together" at our house. That way he wouldn't be suspicious of all the vehicles. Genius right??? Even my 10 year old brother thought so....hahaha

     Brandon's sister and her husband drove in Friday night really late while Brandon was at work and we had them stay in one of the bedrooms in the basement so he wouldn't see them.....we hid their truck behind our house. :)

     Saturday morning I drug Brandon out of bed to go hunting...he didn't end up really wanting to go because he only had a few hours of sleep, I panicked slightly and told him this was a once in a blue moon deal and he would be sorry that he missed it.

So he left... and now I had to decorate!!!

 Nothing too elaborate....but I thought it all turned out cute :)


                                  I Love this picture!!
 His Parents drove in from Texas!!

                                                           Broccoli Cheddar Soup
                                                                          Red Chili
                                                                        White Chili
                                                             Parmesan Romano Bread
                                                                       Garlic Bread
                                        Plain "Blue Dog" Bread (the best bread EVER!!!!)

I made all of the food the night before so it was soooo easy putting this party together!! And it was all DELICIOUS!

Me and my Handsome Husband!! 

                                                        The Cake was soooo good!! I made a separate Ice cream cake for Brandon....then a bunch of 9x13 for everyone else. It was so simple and soooooo amazing! I got so many compliments on the cake. :) Simple is the best policy..haha


                                                             Some of the gifts he got!!!!


The party turned out FABULOUS and I am so thankful for all the friends and family that came and helped make it happen! It was a lot of fun planning and I can't believe we actually pulled it off with him being COMPLETELY SURPRISED!!!
     I'm glad he enjoyed it because the next birthday party I throw for him is for his 50th..... :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Getting married and moving away to Ohio was, I admit hard. But after a few months (more like 8) I got used to the peace and quiet and found that I really enjoyed it.
     When an opportunity came up for Brandon to take a job in Indiana a couple of years later we jumped at the chance to be near family.....really near....we all decided it would be best financially if lived with Mom and Dad until we could buy a house.

Living out of boxes for months has been interesting to say the least!

Moving back in and living with family has been fun, but here are some tips that I have found make living with parents/in-laws a lot easier and less stressful than it has to be.....Here it goes!

1.......PAY RENT
     This way you're not a financial burden to your family and they don't feel as if you're mooching off of them. Obviously what you're paying has to be reasonable so you can still save plenty of money....I mean that's the whole point right??

     When we first moved in, we lived in one of the upstairs bedrooms near the we heard EVERYTHING going on which means interrupted sleep for a husband on night shift.
     So....we converted half of the back room that sits over the garage for our temporary home. Ahhhh.....Silence at last :)

3.....HELP OUT
     You're living with family, so don't ruin your relationship by being a bum and not help around the place....Don't make messes and not clean them up! (That one is pretty obvious to me) It's more work housing more people so don't become a burden.....Pitch in!!

     Just because you lived at home for 20 or so years...that's over, you have left....the same rules don't apply. Returning to live for awhile doesn't mean you use/eat whatever you want, whenever you want. Show the courtesy of asking before using your family's stuff....They'll appreciate it!

Last but not least...

     Ok, so it's not a bed of roses living out of boxes and wondering when you'll be able to move out and FINALLY have a house of your own....But it's no bed of roses for your parents either....having to deal with you day in and day out.
     Be happy and enjoy the opportunity to spend as much time as you can with family, because when it comes down to it......FAMILY IS EVERYTHING!!
